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It’s amazing to photograph people that are so much fun, full of life and so natural in front of the camera. I’m sure it has a lot to do with relaxing, trusting and just acting natural. Loni and Sam well they are naturally perfect for each other. They are so open to goofing off in […]
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Once Upon a time I was a college girl. I always had classes with Chris. We had made countless memories throughout the years. Taking fun trips via tri-rail down to Downtown Miami to express our wonderful artsy selves in the world of street photography. I chose to focus on windows and reflections. It was such […]
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From the first email I knew we clicked. We actually had countless emails back and forth getting to know each other. So when the day came it was like we already knew each other. Shelby and Nathan were so laid back and easy to photograph. They just fall right into each other. Moving together easily […]