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I could seriously shoot at this park all day, every day. It’s perfect for large sessions since there are places for everyone to sit and wait for their turn and we can get multiple “looks” in just a small area. Again Celebration for the win!! Want a family session? Contact Kimberly by email with your […]
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I was so beyond thrilled to get one of my favorite 2018 Wedding couples in front of my camera. And can you believe it?!? They are expecting a baby. I 1000% fall in love with every single one of my wedding clients soooo all yall’s babies turn into my favorite little people like evaaaa. So […]
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So the last time I had this cute family in front of my camera it was 28 degrees and we were both pregnant. Our kids (both) are super close in age so I can totally and easily relate to everythannngggg. Of course the weather wanted to be crazy again. I had to watch the radar […]