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Embarking on a Disney fireworks cruise is a dreamy experience in itself, but imagine elevating that moment by having every emotion, sparkle, and burst of color professionally captured as you pop the question. A Disney fireworks cruise proposal is a unique and magical way to begin your happily ever after, and with the right photographer, […]

Capturing the joy of a Disney fireworks cruise proposal with the iconic Cinderella Castle lights and fireworks in the background.

Disney Fireworks Cruise Proposal : My best tips if you want to plan to have your firework cruise proposal photographed

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Looking for an Orlando Proposal Photographer? I love planning out proposals. They simply are the best!! This one was amazing Since Will had arranged to have both families at the actual proposal hiding out. I love that they were all there to be witness to it all. Will Saw one of my images online and […]

Orlando Proposal Photographer

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Don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious. Ha, that was us again. You guys I love proposal photography. Especially in my favorite place ever!! Disney!! Doing what we do. It has been a lot of fun having Mark come with me as my decoy. I have the proposer ask Mark to take a picture of them. […]


Disney’s Boardwalk Proposal Photographer

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So these are a few of my favorite things ever to photograph. Guys I love proposals, not shocking at all, it’s kind of fun to see the guys point of you on everything. From location, to how they expect her to react, to how many extra little white lies you have to tell to get […]


Disney Proposal Photographer | Coronado Springs Resort