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Welp I normally have one session that we have to dodge the rain and just get overly lucky. This was it. I mean it was dumping buckets at my house, buckets, like flicker the lights (Which didn’t even happen during our last hurricane.) I couldn’t tell if the storm was going to hit us at […]


Senior and Family Portraits in Orlando | Disneys Boardwalk

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We did these family portraits at their home base resort in the morning. Which was great since we avoided some summer afternoon rain storms. The rivera resort is really a nice smaller location if you need a speedy session.


Extended family portraits at the Disney Rivera Resort

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Talk about a fun session!! We had the best time from planning this, to finding cute mickey ears and all. Mom got her a cap and gown early on amazon. (So smart right!!) She also had custom ears made too since Disney didn’t have the 2022 out yet. We shot these around their home base […]

Senior Portraits in Orlando FL on your Disney Vacation

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10 years. 10 quick years since our last session together. Fun fact. My clients stay the age I photograph them so when I saw the grown up before me I kept my mouth as wide open as sebastian from the little mermaid. Then getting to hear all about where she is going into college and […]


Central Florida Vacation Portrait Photographer